








How to Maximize Your Microneedling Results

As you get older, wanting to keep your skin as young and healthy as possible is perfectly normal. However, the volume loss from diminished collagen production can lead to wrinkles and fine lines. Fortunately, these can be improved with a nonsurgical treatment, microneedling.

Keep reading to know more how proper aftercare can help maximize results, speed up the healing process and prevent unpleasant side effects.

More About Microneedling

Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that uses tiny needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. These punctures trigger a healing process deep within the skin to boost collagen and elastin production, which can, in turn, add volume and lift to the skin and improve the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

The result? Smoother, softer, and more youthful-looking skin from within! 

Benefits of Microneedling

microneedling procedureMicroneedling is a non-invasive approach to rejuvenate your skin by stimulating its natural collagen production, giving you that youthful appearance. Specifically, the treatment can provide the following benefits:

  • help even out skin tone and texture
  • Improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • minimize pore size
  • reduce hyperpigmentation
  • improve acne scars, traumatic scars 

Proper Microneedling Aftercare 

Microneedling is a great way to rejuvenate your skin, but it’s important to follow these 4 steps after getting treatment because proper aftercare can help maximize results.

  • Stay out of the sun. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight using tanning beds or sundecks. During the first two weeks after microneedling, use sunblock even if you don’t go outdoors to better protect your recovering skin.
  • Avoid using skincare products and make-up with strong active ingredients. Don’t use skincare products with potentially harsh ingredients, such as retinol or alpha hydroxy acids, as these can aggravate your skin. For the meantime, steer clear of skincare products that contain the following: 
  • Retinoid
  • Hydroquinone
  • AHA
  • BHA
  • Benzoyl peroxide

You must allow your skin to breathe for a whole day following the treatment because attempting to apply make-up can cause further discomfort. You must wait approximately two days before applying some to give your skin ample time to heal.

  • Avoid vigorous activity that could cause excessive sweating. This can increase the risk of infection, especially when the micro-punctures have yet to heal. Skip the gym (and any rigorous chores) for the first week after you get microneedling.

What to Expect After Your Microneedling Procedure 

You can go back to your daily routine or drive yourself home after the procedure, but your treatment provider might recommend some topical creams and serums to help the skin recover faster or to further enhance the treatment. Your skin could look red and inflamed following the treatment, so following the recommended post-treatment regimen can help the swelling subside faster.

If you follow these aftercare instructions, you’re more likely to get the best possible results out of your treatment. Results vary from patient to patient, so don’t be shy about sharing your concerns with your provider before your session so that they can come up with the best treatment plan for you.

Want to try microneedling? Here at ReJuv, our well-trained and experienced treatment providers have given countless patients beautiful, natural-looking results in the safest way possible. Have experience with microneedling but want to up your game, then let’s consider Radiofrequency Microneedling (RF Needling) to “double down” on your collagen production.

Call now and schedule an appointment with us!